About Me
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."
~Romans 1:16
My driving passion as an author and speaker is to speak the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Everything I write and every time I speak, that is my purpose and end goal. I believe the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. That's my doctrine.
I was raised in a Christian home, helping my parents as they worked the behind the scenes as facility managers with International Family Missions. We were with the ministry from 1990 to 2012. During that time God moved us from Lafayette, Colorado to El Paso, Texas where I still live today. When I was seven years old, I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Even since then, I have had a passion for being involved in ministry in some way, shape, or form.
As I grew up, I always had a working story I would write, but I was terrible at it. I kept re-writing the same story without actually improving it much and it ultimately was just a fantasy. When my teachers gave me story assignments, they expected 1-2 pages at most. I would do 15-20. Then in November 2006, a friend challenged me to try writing a book after I helped him critique a fictionalized autobiography he wrote. So I tried it out and I really liked what I had. That story would eventually become the basis for "Cashawb Chronicles". In April 2007, I began my first draft of "Call to Arms" and at that point, I was hooked on writing.
In 2003, I was introduced to apologetics in the field of the Creation vs Evolution debate, however that really took a turn in 2014-2015 when I went to Oklahoma City to the Creation Truth Foundation for their "Cadre" Program. There, I was commissions to speak and to write and to train others about the importance of having a Biblical Worldview. At the same time, I joined the writing staff of Worldview Warriors, where I have written weekly every Friday since January 2014. This is what sparked the non-fiction books I have written/working on.
I was not trained to be a professional speaker. I did so a speech meet competition as a freshman in high school and did well. But I did not get many public speaking opportunities beyond that until 2005. I had been in the sport of fencing for 7 years and I had an opportunity to put on a demonstration at a children's home in Juarez, Mexico. That sparked multiple opportunities to speak and here and there, I got to speak more and more.
Combined with the Cadre, I began to receive invites to speak at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference, the El Paso Homeschool Conference, several of my church's Men's Breakfast Meetings, small homeschool groups, and Christian school assemblies. See my Speaker Page for topics and how to book me.
Today, I live in El Paso, Texas, work as a substitute teacher at a local high school, and use my extra to time to write and speak. I lead a Bible study group at my church, Restoration Fellowship, every Monday night,